7:30 Agenda & calendar review
(10 minutes)
- Start with big picture overview of the month and list all activities that need to planned for the month
- Dates for meetings, campout, fundraisers and other events
- Workday reminder for patrol
7:40 Campout planning
(10 minutes)
- Discuss campout theme and activities first since that may influence meeting plans
- e.g. No tent, camp stoves, cold weather, safety afloat,
7:50 Meeting themes
(10 minutes)
- Quickly assign the high-level theme/activities for each troop meeting
- Assign Color Guard patrol
- Pre-game ideas
8:00 Program/activity details
(25 minutes)
- Remaining time is used to fill-in program details for campouts and meetings
- Activity planning can be divided into groups or done together