Summer Camp 2020 - Cancelled :|

Refunds are being worked on...stay tuned for more information.

Location: Camp Daniel Boone

Dates: June 29 - July 4

Camp Website -

LINK to Leader’s guide (Great for All Parents to Read!) -

Summer Camp Balances –

Methods of payment:

  1. Zelle (online payment option) – to: [email protected]

Merit badge choices/preferences

– here is a link to the class schedule:

.   Please begin looking at the programs and merit badge choices so that you are prepared to make your choices (coming soon).

BSA medical forms AND medication information/instructions) –  Required of all Scouts AND adults. The form has three parts – A, B, and C.  Please keep in mind part C must be filled out by a physician, so please schedule an appointment for a physical as soon as possible with doctors and pediatricians, if not done already, and take the part C to the appointment.  Once you have the medical forms FULLY completed, please contact Greg Randle at [email protected]  to make plans to DROP OFF A PHYSICAL COPY. Per BSA policy, please do not email them to Greg. You can always bring them to Troop 410 meetings.

The forms can be downloaded here Medical Forms Part A, B, and C. Have questions on BSA Policies regarding medical forms? Go Here

YPT (Youth Protection Training) – ALL adults attending MUST be current with their YPT.  For those not current, they need to get current and email proof of YPT (certificate) to Susan Presnell at [email protected].

Dietary restrictions –  please refer everybody to page 19-20 of the Leader’s guide OR page 3 of the Parent’s guide.   Have them fill out the special needs form.

Bus/Transportation – 56-passenger bus as usual.  The transportation fee per scout/scouter is $240**.**

Whitewater Adventure – If you are interested in whitewater and are NOT signed up**, you need to follow these instructions:**

  1. Go to the signup sheet here